Listed are all the publications from our lab appearing in journals including Nature Communications, Scientific Advances, Ecology Letters, The American Naturalist, Scientific Reports, Oikos, and Ecology and Evolution.
Key Papers
Valdovinos, F. S., Hale, K.R.S., Dritz, S., Glaum, P., McCann, K.S., Simon, S.M., Thébault, E., Wetzel, W.C., Wootton, K.L., & Yeakel, J.D. (2023). A bioenergetic framework for aboveground terrestrial food webs. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2022.11.004
Glaum, P., Wood, T. J., Morris, J. R., & Valdovinos, F. S. (2021). Phenology and flowering overlap drive specialisation in plant–pollinator networks. Ecology Letters, 24, 2648-2659.
Valdovinos, F.S & Marsland III, R. (2021) Niche theory for mutualism: A graphical approach to plant-pollinator network dynamics. The American Naturalist, 197, 393-404.
Glaum, P. R., Cocco, V., Valdovinos, F.S. (2020) Integrating Economic dynamics into Ecological Networks: The case of fishery sustainability. Science Advances, 6(45), eaaz4891. Press release. Radio Interview.
Hale, K.R.S., Valdovinos, F.S., Martinez, N.D. (2020) Mutualism increases diversity, stability, and function of multiplex networks that integrate pollinators into food webs. Nature Communications, 11, 1-14, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15688-w
Valdovinos, F.S. (2019) Mutualistic Networks: Moving closer to a predictive theory. Ecology Letters, 22, 1517-1534, DOI: 10.1111/ele.13279
Valdovinos, F.S., Berlow, E.L., Moisset de Espanés, P., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Vázquez, D.P., Martinez, N.D. (2018) Species traits and network structure predict the success and impacts of pollinator invasions. Nature Communications, 9, 2153.
Valdovinos, F.S., Brosi, B.J., Briggs, H.M., Moisset de Espanés, P., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Martinez, N.D. (2016). Niche partitioning due to adaptive foraging reverses effects of nestedness and connectance on pollination network stability. Ecology Letters, 19, 1277-1286.
Full Publications List
Dritz, S., Nelson, R.A., Valdovinos, F.S. (2023). The role of intra-guild indirect interactions in assembling plant-pollinator networks. Nature Communications.
Valdovinos, F. S., Dritz, S., & Marsland III, R. (2023). Transient dynamics in plant-pollinator networks: Fewer but higher quality of pollinator visits determines plant invasion success. Oikos. https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.09634
Valdovinos, F. S., Hale, K.R.S., Dritz, S., Glaum, P., McCann, K.S., Simon, S.M., Thébault, E., Wetzel, W.C., Wootton, K.L., & Yeakel, J.D. (2023). A bioenergetic framework for aboveground terrestrial food webs. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2022.11.004
Hale, K.R.S., Maes, D.P., Valdovinos, F.S. (2022) Dynamics of pollination and seed dispersal mutualisms at low density. The American Naturalist.
Hale, K.R.S., & Valdovinos, F.S. (2021) Ecological theory of mutualism: Qualitative patterns in two-species population models. Ecology and Evolution.
Morris, J. R., Allhoff, K. T., & Valdovinos, F. S. (2021). Strange invaders increase disturbance and promote generalists in an evolving food web. Scientific Reports, 11, 21274.
Glaum, P., Wood, T. J., Morris, J. R., & Valdovinos, F. S. (2021). Phenology and flowering overlap drive specialisation in plant–pollinator networks. Ecology Letters, 24, 2648-2659.
Young, J.G., Valdovinos, F.S., Newman, M.E.J. (2021) Reconstruction of plant–pollinator networks from observational data. Nature Communications, 12, 1-12.
Valdovinos, F.S & Marsland III, R. (2021) Niche theory for mutualism: A graphical approach to plant-pollinator network dynamics. The American Naturalist, 197, 393-404.
Ávila-Thieme, M.I., Corcoran, D., Pérez-Matus, A., Wieters, E. A., Navarrete, S.A., Marquet, P.A., Valdovinos, F.S. (2021) Alteration of coastal productivity and artisanal fisheries interact to affect a marine food-web. Scientific Reports, 11, 1765.
Glaum, P. R., Cocco, V., Valdovinos, F.S. (2020) Integrating Economic dynamics into Ecological Networks: The case of fishery sustainability. Science Advances, 6(45), eaaz4891. Press release. Radio Interview.
Hale, K.R.S., Valdovinos, F.S., Martinez, N.D. (2020) Mutualism increases diversity, stability, and function of multiplex networks that integrate pollinators into food webs. Nature Communications, 11, 1-14, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15688-w
Valdovinos, F.S. (2019) Mutualistic Networks: Moving closer to a predictive theory. Ecology Letters, 22, 1517-1534, DOI: 10.1111/ele.13279
Ponisio, L.C., Valdovinos, F.S., Allhoff, K.T., Gaiarsa, M., Guimarães Jr., P.R., Hembry, D. H., Morrison, B., Gillespie, R. (2019) A network perspective for community assembly. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00103
Baiser, B, Gravel, D, Cirtwill, A, Dunne, J.A., Fahimpour, A.K., Gilarranz L.J., Grochow, J.A., Li, D., Martinez, N.D., McGrew, A., Poisot, T., Romnuk, T.N., Stouffer, D.B., Trotta, L.B. Valdovinos, F.S., Williams, R.J., Wood, S.A., Yeakel, J.D. (2019). Ecogeographical Rules and the Macroecology of Food Webs. Global Ecology and Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/geb.12925.
Bland, S., Valdovinos, F.S., Hutchings, J.A., Kuparinen, A. (2019) The role of fish life histories in allometrically scaled food-web dynamics. Ecology and Evolution, 6, 3651-3660.
Kuparinen, A., Perälä, T., Martinez, N. D., & Valdovinos, F. S. (2018). Environmentally‐induced noise dampens and reddens with increasing trophic level in a complex food web, Oikos, 128, 608-620.
Valdovinos, F.S., Berlow, E.L., Moisset de Espanés, P., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Vázquez, D.P., Martinez, N.D. (2018) Species traits and network structure predict the success and impacts of pollinator invasions. Nature Communications, 9, 2153.
Romanuk, T.N., Y. Zhou, F.S. Valdovinos and N.D. Martinez (2017) Robustness Trade-Offs in Model Food Webs: Invasion Probability Decreases While Invasion Consequences Increase with Connectance. Advances in Ecological Research, 56, 263-291. Academic Press.
Valdovinos, F.S., Brosi, B.J., Briggs, H.M., Moisset de Espanés, P., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Martinez, N.D. (2016). Niche partitioning due to adaptive foraging reverses effects of nestedness and connectance on pollination network stability. Ecology Letters, 19, 1277-1286.
Davies, N., Field, D., Gavaghan, D., Holbrook, S. J., Planes, S., Troyer, M., Bonsall, M., Claudet, J., Roderick, G., Schmitt, R.J., Zettler, L. A., Berteaux, V., Bossin, H. C., Cabasse, C., Collin, A., Deck, J., Dell, T., Dunne, J., Gates, R., Harfoot, M., Hench, J. L., Hopuare, M., Kirch, P., Kotoulas, G., Kosenkov, A., Kusenko, A., Leichter, J. J., Lenihan, H., Magoulas, A., Martinez, N., Meyer, C., Stoll, B., Swalla, B., Tartakovsky, D. M., Teavai, H. Turyshev, M. S., Valdovinos, F., Williams, R, Wood, Spencer, and IDEA Consortium. Simulating social-ecological systems: the Island Digital Ecosystem Avatars (IDEA) consortium. (2016) GigaScience, 5, 1.
Kuparinen, A., Boit, A., Valdovinos, F. S., Lassaux, H., Martinez, N. D. (2016) Fishing-induced life-history changes degrade and destabilize harvested ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 6:22245, DOI: 10.1038/srep22245.
Rominger, A. J., Goodman, K. R., Lim, J. Y., Armstrong, E. E., Becking, L. E., Bennett, G. M., Brewer, M.S., Cotoras, D.D., Ewing, C.P., Harte, J., Martinez, N.D., O'Grady, P.M., Percy, D.M., Price, D.K., Roderick, G.K., Shaw, K.L., Valdovinos, F.S., Gruner, D.S., & Gillespie, R. G. Community assembly on isolated islands: macroecology meets evolution. (2015) Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.1234
Vázquez, D. P., Ramos‐Jiliberto, R., Urbani, P., & Valdovinos, F. S. (2015) A conceptual framework for studying the strength of plant–animal mutualistic interactions. Ecology Letters, 18, 385-400.
Smith-Ramírez C., Ramos-Jiliberto R., Valdovinos F.S., Martínez P., Castillo J.A., Armesto J.J. (2014) Decadal trends in the pollinator assemblage of Eucryphia cordifolia in Chilean rainforests. Oecologia, 176, 157-169.
Valdovinos, F.S., Moisset de Espanés, P., Flores J.D, Ramos-Jiliberto, R. (2013) Adaptive foraging allows the maintenance of biodiversity of pollination networks. Oikos 122: 907-917.
Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Valdovinos, F.S., Moisset de Espanés, P., Flores J.D. (2012) Topological plasticity increases robustness of mutualistic networks. Journal of Animal Ecology 81: 896-904.
Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Valdovinos, F.S., Arias, J., Alcaraz, C., García-Bertho, E. (2011) A network-based approach to the analysis of ontogenetic diet shift: an example with the endangered fish Aphanius iberus. Ecological Complexity 8: 123–129.
Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Domínguez, D., Espinoza, C., López, G., Valdovinos, F.S., Medel, R., Bustamante, R.O. (2010) Topology of Andean plant-pollinator networks along an altitudinal gradient. Ecological Complexity 7: 86-90.
Valdovinos, F.S., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Urbani, P., Garay-Narváez, Dunne, J.A. (2010b) Consequences of adaptive behavior for the structure and dynamics of food webs. Ecology Letters 13: 1546–1559.
Valdovinos, F.S., Urbani, P, Ramos-Jiliberto, R. (2010a) Analysis of the consequences of individual adaptive behavior on population stability: The case of optimal foraging. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 207-218.
Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Oyanedel, J.P., Vega-Retter, C., Valdovinos, F.S. (2009b) Nested structure of plankton communities from Chilean freshwaters. Limnologica 39: 319-324.
Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Albornoz, A., Valdovinos, F.S., Smith-Ramírez, C., Arim, M., Armesto, J., Marquet, P. (2009a) A network analysis of plant-pollinator interactions in temperate rain forests of Chiloé Island, Chile. Oecologia. 160: 697-706.
Valdovinos, F.S., Ramos-Jiliberto, R., Flores, J.D., Espinoza, C., López, G. (2009b) Structure and dynamics of pollination networks: the role of alien plants. Oikos 118: 1190-1200.
Valdovinos, F.S., Chiappa, E., Simonetti, J.A. (2009a) Nestedness of bee assemblages in an endemic South American forest: the role of pine matrix and small fragments. Journal of Insect Conservation 13: 449-452.
Guerrero-Bosagna, C., Sabat, P., Valdovinos, F.S., Valladares, L. and Clark, S.J. Epigenetic and Phenotypic Changes Derived from a Continuous Pre and Post Natal Dietary Exposure to Environmental Estrogens in an Experimental Population of Mice (2008) BMC physiology, 8:10, doi: 10.1186/1472-6793-8-17. Available in http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6793/8/17.